Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yes, I'm posting about a television show

This week on Project Runway they narrowed it down to the final three. Kenley, who is horrible to everyone, and who has made some awful things in the last few challenges, managed to get through to the finale with her wedding dress (last pic below).
As one of the judges pointed out -- its incredibly similar to dresses recently shown by Alexander McQueen (top 2 pics).

They are the same dress! But she still got through!
I'm feeling a lot more indignation about this than I'm comfortable admitting. I might need to stop watching so much television.


BirdieMann said...

I was so upset! I can't believe that Jerrel, who won most of the challenges, was sent home over Kenley whose dress in the last episode was horrible. I'm still recovering from the shock.

Dana said...

we all have our tv obsessions- it's okay. in fact, i might actually try project runway out. i've never seen that one!

Unknown said...

That hurricane must have been devestating to your life style.
Imagine going two weeks without your cable....shocking