Monday, April 26, 2010


You may remember me complaining about all the problems we've had with animals living under (and possibly in?) our home last winter - along with our ensuing efforts to get rid of them. This winter the experience was repeated, and after removing two dead possums from under our porch (so glad I'm not the man in this relationship), we decided it was time.

So we had lattice installed around the whole house. Definitely not the most exciting way I've ever spent my money, but no cats, racoons or possums will be living under our home anymore!

More than one person I've told about this has said, "yeah, but squirrels, mice and rats can still fit through those holes."

To which I say, "la la la la la - I can't hear you - la la la la la."


Dana said...

And it looks so pretty!

Nicole said...

Emperor's New Grove!

Got it in one.