Thursday, January 7, 2010

who's more British?

TJ thinks that he is actually more British than I am. This is based on the bands he likes, the tv shows he watches and the slang he knows.

Clearly I disagree with this assertion, but over the holidays he was able to add one more item to the list: Football songs.

If you listen carefully to the clip you can hear the classic, "I'm forever blowing, pretty bubbles in the air..."


Nicole said...

Without a doubt your more British. He can not take this from you. Although there is one was to settle it.....a Triwizard tournament. Kevin and I will set the challenges. Start preparing now!

michelle said...

i think the important thing to remember here is, who has the passport?

ukmom said...

Don't tell TJ -- but we heard Stephen Fry say 'bagsy' -- if he knows that, he'll really think he's more Britsh!!